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Правила участия и рекомендации конкурсантам
- Every town has a reason for being. To understand why this town in northern South Australia was built in the middle of the desert you need to think about only one thing – the precious opals that are mined there. Looking at the premises you wonder where all the houses and the residents are…. To escape from the searing summer heat which reaches 45 degrees and the freezing cold winters, people have moved below ground where they enjoy constant year-round temperature of 24 degrees. The local golf-course is another attraction - games are played at nights to avoid daytime temperatures and glowing golf balls are used to be better seen in the dark. (6+4)
- The story goes that there was a talented and ambitious seafarer who fell in love with the daughter of a mighty Governor-General. However, the forbidding father did not approve of the marriage of his daughter to the penniless sailor, so he sent the young man away to explore a faraway dangerous land. The man managed to reach a coast and named his discovery after the father of his sweetheart to obtain his appreciation and approval. He also perpetuated the name of the girl having given it to a beautiful cape in what is now known as New Zealand. Unfortunately, the imperious father would not permit his daughter marry this courageous and adventurous man, but history compensated for this injustice and now one of the most beautiful parts of Australia carries the name of this great navigator. What is the name of this area? (8)
- The people who live in London are called Londoners, those who live in Liverpool are Liverpudlians, the inhabitants of Moscow are referred to as Muscovites. What do they call those who live in Sydney? (12)
- This is a common name for a) a system of protecting and storing information; b) an action movie; c) an important device used in aviation all over the world, that was created in a research laboratory in Melbourne. (5+3)
- Aboriginals lived in them, ate them and used them as a cure for diseases. White settlers used them as landmarks, so that they did not lose their way in the vast lands of Australia. However, it was not always used for people’s benefit; it also had a punitive function, which is reflected in the name of this particular one. What is the name of this giant? (4+6+4)
- It got its name from Aborigines who noticed a peculiarity of its behaviour. In Australia this word also became a nickname of those who do not consume alcohol. (5)
- Light, beautiful and exquisite – these qualities are shared by a talented Russian woman who conquered Australia during her tour in 1926 and the dream of all ‘sweetoholics’. The former gave the name to the latter. Do you know this name? (7)
- Though this day of remembrance could have a somber tone, most Australians regard it affectionately and patriotically and mark the occasion with games of ‘two-up’ at the pub and a favorite chewy biscuit. What is the name of this day? (5+3)
- She has contributed enormously to the pride of Australia throughout the world. Luciano Pavarotti described her as the "Voice of the Century", and even her rival Montserrat Caballé also admired her heavenly manner of singing. (4+10)
- What you see in the picture is one of the longest structures on the planet – only slightly shorter than the Great Wall of China. Like the latter, it serves to prevent the ‘invaders’ from crossing this frontier and causing harm. These predatory invaders gave the name to this famous construction. (5+5)
- Ironically, this masterpiece of late modern architecture was not designed by an Australian. In spite of its name, it is the home of eclectic arts and recreational activities. It is said to generate controversial visual associations – looking at it some see a giant white whale thrown ashore by the ocean waves, or an old sea galleon heading for a mysterious fairy land. Passionate fans call it the sample of frozen music or the nine ears listening to the sounds from Heaven. Critics mockingly call it ‘nuns playing football’ or ‘the claws of a huge albino dog’. Nevertheless, it is admired internationally and proudly treasured by the people of Australia. (6+5+5)
- The dramatic view of this structure is an iconic image of one of Australia´s busiest cities. When it was constructed there was considerable controversy about it. On the one hand, it created many jobs for the locals at a difficult time. On the other hand, people didn´t like its looks and gave it a nick-name, inspired by its design. What is this nick-name? (4+6)
- These days, Aboriginal heritage and culture are nationally supported, respected and encouraged. Unfortunately, this was not always the case. Look at the photo attached and make a short investigation of your own to find out what the exhibition organizers are saying sorry for. (In 2008, Kevin Rudd, Prime Minister of Australia, made a speech in Parliament on the subject. His address to the nation was met with standing ovation). (6+10)
- Its laughter opens programmes of Australian radio. What is its name? (10)
- In spite of its innocent-sounding name this place turned out to be a curse for those who were unlucky to get there in 1787. An old Australian song with the same title describes the despair of those who associated going there with doom and gloom. They even preferred to be hanged in their native land instead of going there. (6+3)
- A classic from colonial times, this painting depicts Australians engaged in back-breaking work. Their activities created an industry that remains prosperous today, although new technology has replaced the ´shear´ hard work of this original labour. The painting itself is considered to be a great icon of Australian popular art history. (8+3+4)
- This musical instrument is ancient and typically Australian. It is made of eucalyptus or bamboo, not only by people, but by insects at first. Playing it requires a special breathing technique. It was originally used in aborigines’ rituals, but now it is played for recreational purposes. (10)
- The Russian bard and rock singer Boris Grebenshikov dedicated a song to this star, and in Australia this is also a city, named after the wife of an English king. (8)
- He was a very "bad guy" - a murderer, an arsonist, the leader of a gang of bank robbers. At the same time, he was adored by the poor - they admired him, fed him and hid him when the police were searching for him. He is hugely famous. A great number of novels, films, documentaries and poems are dedicated to his short but spectacular life. What is his name? (3+5)
- They are believed to originate from Australia. In the 1970s, they were regarded as distasteful. These days, they can be seen at TV-shows and at fashionable parties. They are loved by both men and women. Surfers are especially attracted to them. Though they are very popular, their name is derived from the word ‘ugly’. What are they? (3+5)
- What national Australian holiday do these bricks symbolise? (7+3)
- He was born in Australia, lived in the UK, during World War II he worked in Finland, Norway, Greece, Egypt and Iran, and in Russia he was given a great government award. In a way this video reflects his life philosophy and to some extent his life experience. (5+8)
- At the beginning the two could not decide which of them should be the first, so they decided to give this role to a third one. The name of this third one, which is now number one in Australia, meant “female breasts” in the Aboriginal language, as well as “the meeting place”. What is this name? (8)
- Going down the most “historical” street of Sydney, you are very likely to stop in front of the monument to THIS FAMOUS AUSTRALIAN. This monument is unusual: behind the man, in a niche, one can see the figure of his loyal companion in his numerous sea travels. (7+8)
- In the picture, you can see a monument, commemorating the historical past of Australia. It is said to be hand-carved by convicts from sandstone in 1800s for the wife of the then Governor of New South Wales. Rumour says that the woman used to spend much time sitting on this stone bench, watching and waiting for her husband’s ship to sail through the Sydney headlands into the harbour. What is the name of this monument? (3+11+5)
- He fought in the American War of Independence (he was even awarded the rank of brigadier general by the Congress). He participated in a war against Russia, was captured and imprisoned in Petropavlovsk Fortress, but later was pardoned and swore allegiance to the Russian Emperor. He also lived in France but wasn’t friendly with Napoleon. His name was mentioned in one of Pushkin’s most famous epigrams. The biggest mountain in Australia is named after him. (10)
- This island, a part of the Commonwealth of Australia, owes its name to the day on which it was discovered. (9+6)
- Australians are very particular about preserving their unique flora and fauna. For ecological safety reasons it is banned to bring into the country any animal produce, and even soil on one’s shoes! At the 1956 Olympics, because of these restrictions THIS competition could not be held in Australia, it had to be “relocated” to Sweden. (5+6)
- This classic tale has been read to Australian children for almost one hundred years. It describes the adventures of cute human-like creatures as they compete for a sweet treat that will never end. The tale is so popular that there is a sculpture depicting its main characters in the Royal Botanic Gardens in Melbourne. (3+5+7)
- They arrived in Australia from a faraway mountainous country. Originally there were about a hundred of them, but these days their number exceeds a million. They were “invited” because of their very special qualities: endurance, simple tastes, the ability to work hard in extreme conditions. They played an important role in the exploration of remote desert regions of Australia at the end of the 19th/beginning of the 20th century. Who are they? (6+6)
- According to an old aboriginal legend, it helped the people to stand upright by separating the Sky from the Earth, and it was slightly bent in the process. (9)
- Australians are workaholics and they respect those who are ready to do their best to succeed. In 2006, this man helped the nation to achieve success in a sphere that is very important for Australians. Following this success he became extremely popular in the country and there was even a public sentiment to levy a tax named after him and use the money to prevent him from leaving for Russia. (4+7)
- This is one of the most mysterious and admirable natural sites in Australia. What is its name? (5)
- Rhyming slang is a creative way to play with language. It´s basically two or more words, the last of which rhymes with the word it´s replacing. (e.g. minced pies > eyes, kitchen sink > drink). It is believed that Aussie rhyming slang came over with the original convicts from England where it is strongly associated with Cockney speech from the East End of London. The association of the original word to the rhyming phrase is not always obvious. For example it´s hard for us to understand why young human offspring are associated with the top section of a can of food. What are they called in Aussie slang? (3+4)
- For generations, Australian university students have been warned that when this tree blooms, exams will come soon. Though it is not native to Australia, is it often associated with Queensland, and its blossoms cover the pathways with a purple carpet when they fall. What is this tree? (9)
- At the end of the 18th century Europeans were often fooled by “miraculous foreign creatures” brought from far away lands. Among daring creations of charlatans one could even find “real” stuffed mermaids, made of dried monkey heads, skillfully attached to scaly tails of big fish. When one of these “wonders”, brought from Australia, was first displayed in the British museum in 1798, everyone refused to believe that totally incompatible body parts could belong to one animal. And only a few years later it was scientifically proved that it was real. (8)
- This Australian celebrity is famous for her glasses, gowns and her outrageous humour. She´s been recognized by a Queen´s honour, though nobody would recognize her out of costume. Who is she? (4+4+7)
- This easternmost point of Australia is named after the most handsome English poet, who had gone around the world on a ship which was bearing the name of a sea creature. (4+5)
- In the beginning, the earth was flat and gray. It had no mountains or rivers, and living things did not exist. Then huge creatures awoke after sleeping for ages. These beings looked like insects, plants or animals, but behaved like humans. They wandered across the barren earth looking for food and digging for water. Their tracks created rivers and valleys, making the world as it appears today. Aboriginals believe that the spirits of these creatures taught their ancestors about their tribal lands and also told them how their descendants should behave. What is the name of that mysterious time? (9)
- It is not big – only hand-sized. It is incredibly popular in Australia, being a national pride, a bare necessity, especially at sporting events, and the subject of an annual national competition. It is attractive not only for people. It can be advertised by the following slogan “BEST IN TOWN ********. 50000000 flies can’t be wrong!” (4+3)
- It is one of the best known poems in Australia, written by a young Australian in the early 1900s in the form of a letter to a British friend. The first verse speculates upon what the British might love about their country, and the others describe what the author loves about Australia. (2+7)
- Some of them are predators, others are herbivores; some live on the ground, others in the trees or in the water. Among them you will find skilful jumpers, adroit climbers and fast runners. In Australia they are more plentiful than anywhere else in the world. (10)
- Although kangaroos do not normally fly, one of them can be seen on the logo of this famous Australian national enterprise - the largest in the country and the world´s oldest continuously operating company of its type. (6)
- The ___________ are famous rocks in New South Wales and they share their name with the play by the Russian short-story writer and playwright Anton Chekhov. (5+7)
- It borrows from both British and American models. It consists of three components, one of which being Queen Elizabeth II. Its major functions are passing laws and discussing matters of public importance. What is it? (12+10)
- There are different types of aboriginal art but one of them suggests that the painter MUST know the anatomy of the subject (a human or an animal). What´s the name of this kind of painting? (1+3+8)
- This is one of the largest cities in Australia which was founded by a white Australian who settled at the site in 1835. He bought a plot from a local tribe, paying for it with woolen blankets, knives, axes and scissors. In 1837, white settlers named the community after the then Prime Minister of Britain. (9)
- History was made when this banknote was released into general circulation. It was issued to commemorate the 200th Jubilee of a landmark event in Australia. Which one? (5+10)
- You will hear this word in many romantic songs and in Australia it is the name of a big river. (7)
- This world-famous seafarer never had a home in Australia, although his great achievement in exploring this land is beyond doubt! Surprisingly, his house, built in North Yorkshire, was relocated from England and reassembled in Melbourne brick by brick to commemorate his vast contribution to the exploration of Australia. (5+4)
- In the UK this geographic area is mentioned in the title of a member of the Royal family. It also exists in Australia accompanied with the words which are the opposites of “old” and “North”. (3+5+5)
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